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Information in accordance with § 5 Telemedia Act (TMG)

Zebracat AI UG (haftungsbeschränkt)


c/o Merantix AI Campus Berlin

Max-Urich-Straße 3,

13355 Berlin Germany
Email: info at
Represented by Michael Baumgartner, Mohammadreza Zolfaghari,
Registry Court: Berlin Charlottenburg
Commercial Register No. HRB 233288 B

Link accountability

Responsibility for the content of external links (to web pages of third parties) lies solely with the operators of the linked pages. No violations were evident to us at the time of linking. Should any legal infringement become known to us, we will remove the respective link immediately.


Our web pages and their contents are subject to German copyright law. Unless expressly permitted by law (§ 44a et seq. of the copyright law), every form of utilizing, reproducing or processing works subject to copyright protection on our web pages requires the prior consent of the respective owner of the rights. Individual reproductions of a work are allowed only for private use, so must not serve either directly or indirectly for earnings. Unauthorized utilization of copyrighted works is punishable (§ 106 of the copyright law).

EU dispute settlement

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS): You can find our email address in the legal notice above.

Information in accordance with § 5 Telemedia Act (TMG)

Zebracat AI UG (haftungsbeschränkt)


c/o Merantix AI Campus Berlin

Max-Urich-Straße 3,

13355 Berlin Germany

Email: info at
Represented by Michael Baumgartner, Mohammadreza Zolfaghari,
Registry Court: Berlin Charlottenburg
Commercial Register No. HRB 233288 B

Link accountability

Responsibility for the content of external links (to web pages of third parties) lies solely with the operators of the linked pages. No violations were evident to us at the time of linking. Should any legal infringement become known to us, we will remove the respective link immediately.


Our web pages and their contents are subject to German copyright law. Unless expressly permitted by law (§ 44a et seq. of the copyright law), every form of utilizing, reproducing or processing works subject to copyright protection on our web pages requires the prior consent of the respective owner of the rights. Individual reproductions of a work are allowed only for private use, so must not serve either directly or indirectly for earnings. Unauthorized utilization of copyrighted works is punishable (§ 106 of the copyright law).

EU dispute settlement

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS): You can find our email address in the legal notice above.

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