Find the Perfect Plan for You!

50 000+ Creators, Business Owners and Marketers trust Zebracat to create videos 10X faster and easier.
Free plan
Explore basic video creation with no cost—just creativity.
$ 0 / per month
Video Generation
 5 credits/week
 ∼1 min/week
•  Export up to 720p
Video length up to 30-sec
Standard Al Voices
80+ languages
Millions of stock video clips and music assets
Contains Zebracat watermark
Cat Mode
Access ultra-realistic AI voices, premium AI visuals, and no watermarks.
$ 39
/ per month
*Billed monthly until cancelled
Get Started
Video Generation
 120 credits/month
 ∼30 min/month
•  Export up to 1080p
Everything in Free
No watermark
Ultra-realistic AI voices
Premium Al visuals
Video length up to 2-mins
Fast video processings
1 Brand Kit
Super Cat
Unlock the most advanced AI with avatars,
voice cloning, and precise customization.
/ per month
*Billed monthly until cancelled
300 credits/month (∼ 70 min)
Get Started
Video Generation
 300 credits/month
 ∼70 min/month
•  Export up to 1080p
Everything in Cat Mode
AI Avatars
Voice Cloning
Custom AI styles
Character consistency
Video length up to 5-mins
Faster video processing
10 Brand Kits
Super Cat
Unlock the most advanced AI with avatars,
voice cloning, and precise customization.
$ 198
/ per month
*Billed monthly until cancelled
700 credits/month (∼ 150 min)
Get Started
Video Generation
 700 credits/month
 ∼150 min/month
•  Export up to 1080p
Everything in Cat Mode
AI Avatars
Voice Cloning
Custom AI styles
Character consistency
Video length up to 5-mins
Faster video processing
10 Brand Kits
Super Cat
Unlock the most advanced AI with avatars,
voice cloning, and precise customization.
$ 398
/ per month
*Billed monthly until cancelled
1500 credits/month (∼300 min)
Get Started
Video Generation
 1500 credits/month
 ∼300 min/month
•  Export up to 1080p
Everything in Cat Mode
AI Avatars
Voice Cloning
Custom AI styles
Character consistency
Video length up to 5-mins
Faster video processing
10 Brand Kits
Free Plan
$ 0 / per month
Cat Mode
$ 39 / per month
Get Started
Super Cat
$ 98 / per month
Get Started
Feature Category
Super Cat
Cat Mode
5 Credits / Week
120 Credits / Month
300 Credits / Month
Video Generation
∼1 Min / Week
∼30 Min / Month
∼70 Min / Month
Remove Watermark
Standard AI Voices
AI Avatars
Voice Cloning
AI Visuals
Custom AI Styles
Infinite Zoom Videos
Character Consistency
AI Script Writing
Upload Own Footage
80+ Languages
Cloud Storage
2 GB
10 GB
200 GB
Millions of stock media assets
Brand Kits
Faster Video Processing
Video Export Resolution
Commercial Rights
Free plan
Explore basic video creation with no cost—just creativity.
$ 0 / per month
Video Generation
 5 credits/week
 ∼1 min/week
•  Export up to 720p
Video length up to 30-sec
Standard Al Voices
80+ languages
Millions of stock video clips and music assets
Contains Zebracat watermark
Cat Mode
Access ultra-realistic AI voices, premium AI visuals, and no watermarks.
$ 19.5
/ per month
*Billed $234 yearly
Get Started
Video Generation
 120 credits/month
 ∼30 min/month
•  Export up to 1080p
Everything in Free
No watermark
Ultra-realistic AI voices
Premium Al visuals
Video length up to 2-mins
Fast video processings
1 Brand Kit
Super Cat
Unlock the most advanced AI with avatars,
voice cloning, and precise customization.
$ 49
/ per month
*Billed $588 yearly
300 credits/month (∼ 70 min)
Get Started
Video Generation
 300 credits/month
 ∼70 min/month
•  Export up to 1080p
Everything in Cat Mode
AI Avatars
Voice Cloning
Custom AI styles
Character consistency
Video length up to 5-mins
Faster video processing
10 Brand Kits
Super Cat
Unlock the most advanced AI with avatars,
voice cloning, and precise customization.
$ 79.20
/ per month
*Billed $950.40 yearly
700 credits/month (∼ 150 min)
Get Started
Video Generation
 700 credits/month
 ∼150 min/month
•  Export up to 1080p
Everything in Cat Mode
AI Avatars
Voice Cloning
Custom AI styles
Character consistency
Video length up to 5-mins
Faster video processing
10 Brand Kits
Super Cat
Unlock the most advanced AI with avatars,
voice cloning, and precise customization.
$ 159.20
/ per month
*Billed $1910.40 yearly
1500 credits/month (∼300 min)
Get Started
Video Generation
 1500 credits/month
 ∼300 min/month
•  Export up to 1080p
Everything in Cat Mode
AI Avatars
Voice Cloning
Custom AI styles
Character consistency
Video length up to 5-mins
Faster video processing
10 Brand Kits
Free Plan
$ 0 / per month
Cat Mode
$ 19.5 / per month
Get Started
Super Cat
$ 49 / per month
Get Started
Feature Category
Super Cat
Cat Mode
5 Credits / Week
120 Credits / Month
300 Credits / Month
Video Generation
∼1 Min / Week
∼30 Min / Month
∼70 Min / Month
Remove Watermark
Standard AI Voices
AI Avatars
Voice Cloning
AI Visuals
Custom AI Styles
Infinite Zoom Videos
Character Consistency
AI Script Writing
Upload Own Footage
80+ Languages
Cloud Storage
2 GB
10 GB
200 GB
Millions of stock media assets
Brand Kits
Faster Video Processing
Video Export Resolution
Commercial Rights


What payment services do you support?

We accept all major credit cards, Apple Pay & Google Pay as well as PayPal.

Do you offer any discounted plans?

Yes, by choosing an annual plan, you will receive a significant discount.

Can I use Zebracat AI video generator for free?

Yes, Zebracat offers a tier that allows users to explore text-to-voice and text-to-video features without any cost. However, certain advanced features and premium AI capabilities may require a paid subscription.

Can I upgrade my plan?

Yes, you can. You can upgrade your plan at any time. Any unused video credits will rollover to your new upgraded subscription plan.

Can I downgrade my plan?

You can downgrade your monthly subscription plan at any time from within the billing section of your account. The downgrade will take effect during the next billing cycle and all unused video credits will rollover to your downgraded plan. All annual downgrades will take effect on the following one-year billing cycle.

Can I pay monthly for Zebracat?

Absolutely, you have the option to pay on a monthly basis for your account. Simply select the monthly option on the pricing page, and you'll be able to pay on a per-month basis. Please note that the monthly plan does not offer any discounts. If you're seeking savings, we suggest considering the yearly plan instead.

Does Zebracat offer plans to non profits and NGOs?

We are honored to support organizations making a positive impact globally. This is why we provide discounted rates for eligible nonprofit organizations. To learn more about our nonprofit plans and pricing reach out to our support team at

Is Zebracat a secure site for purchases?

Absolutely. Our partnership with Stripe ensures the utmost safety and security for our clients. All communications and data transfers through our site are securely encrypted and protected.

How does the billing cycle work?

When you subscribe to any of our monthly plans, you will be billed monthly and your plan will renew each month based on your initial subscription date. Our annual plans have one-year billing cycles which are billed as one payment per year. Our annual plans will renew each year based on your initial subscription date.

What happens to my unused Zebracat videos at the end of the billing cycle?

Unused Zebracat credits do not carry forward to the following billing cycle. Your subscription will automatically renew with each billing cycle and your credit count will be reset. However, upgrading to a higher plan allows any unused Zebracat credits from your previous plan to roll over into the next billing cycle.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Monthly subscriptions are billed month to month. No contract. No obligation. You can cancel your monthly subscription at any time. Annual plans come with an awesome discount and run on a one-year billing cycle with cancellation available for the following year. We hope you'll fall in love with Zebracat and never want to leave :)

Can I update my card detailes?

Yes. Go to the billing section of your account and update your payment information.

What if I only need Zebracat for a short amount of time?

You can cancel your subscription at any time - no questions asked.

Still have questions?

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